Kids Fringe Schedule

FREE family-friendly fun!

Friday, July 26
12–3pm: Funtastic Party Planners Balloon Art and Body Painting
12–3pm: Girl Guides of Canada
12–3pm: United for Literacy 
12–3pm: Winnipeg Public Library Book Bike!
12:45pm: Variety Performer Stephanie Strugar
1:30pm: United for Literacy Storytelling
2pm: Juggling with Ardyth Johnson
Saturday, July 27
12–3pm: Cycle Safely MPI
12–3pm: Funtastic Party Planners Balloon Art and Body painting
12–3pm: United for Literacy 
12pm: Meraki Theatre Sports
12:45pm: Variety Performer Stephanie Strugar
1:30pm: United for Literacy Storytelling
2pm: Travel to Fantasy Land with Guady the Story Fairy
2pm: River City Sabres Demo and Workshop